Connections Matter...
Make The VIP Connection
Welcome to the Verge of Independence Project: Multimedia Autism Advocacy (VIP), a Neurodiversity Culture using multimedia to promote the independence, self-advocacy, and social confidence of autistic adults 18+ years old!
"Did you know that nearly 800,000 young adults in the U.S. identify as an autistic person or a person with autism?" Click on the
About Autism, page to learn more about autism and resources.
Established in 2009, the VIP community supports adult individuals on the spectrum in discovering that Connections Matter. You, too, can make the connection by exploring this resourceful site.
VIP Blogs
written by the
collegiate journalist
Melissa Lushington
Click on the photo to enter the VIP zone, where you can focus on empowering platforms that support and lead to gaining independence.
VIP featured in the
Funtimes magazine
Click on IMage
to read full article
VIP Book picks
Check out books that tell our stories and reveal our truths, offer personal and professional development, and inspire, entertain, and educate us.
Most books available in e-Book and audiobook
Coming Home to Autism
By Tara Leniston & Rhian Grounds
Autistic and Black: Our Experiences
of Growth, Progress, and Empowerment
By Kala Allen Omeiza
Shouting at Leaves By Jennifer Msumba
Beyond the Wall: Personal Experience with Autism and Asperger Syndrome, Second Edition
By Stephen M. Shore
By Co-author Brenda Smith Myles, PhD
Autism in Heels: The Untold Story
of A Female Life on the Spectrum
By Jennifer Cook O'Toole
Look Me In the Eye: My Life with Asperger's
By John Elder Robison
Developing Talents: Careers for Individuals with
Asperger Syndrome and High Functioning Autism
By Temple Grandin & Kate Duffy
Rules of the Red Rubber Ball
By Kevin Carroll